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         Dear Investor , BR AIR AEROSPACE LTDA. Owner of the prototypes called JB 21 C/ JB 21 B/ JB 21 A.  In a unique opportunity, we are offering up to 30% of the company's shares. Here is the unique opportunity to make your capital yield 900% right away when you acquire shares of the share capital of BR AIR AEROSPACE LTDA. This is because if we consider the tangible and intangible values ​​of our company today; We will see that the shares offered by BR AIR AEROSPACE LTDA are only 10% of their real value. This is based on the competition; in a multiple market analysis.


    In other words, EVE Air Mobility, which recently became independent from Embraer, has just completed a IPO where it raised  USD 360,000,000. And according to a Bloomberg report, its market value is over  USD 2 billion.   And when we look at EVE and BR AIR AEROSPACE LTDA, we will come to the conclusion that, apart from the advertising marketing that involves all of EVE's steps, both are at a similar stage in terms of developing their vehicles. But our vehicles are very different, and our target audience is quite different. While EVE targets commercial transportation companies as its clients, we at BR AIR AEROSPACE LTDA target private customers, personal transportation. And to achieve our goals, only a portion of around 5% of the financially able population needs to decide to purchase our vehicles so that the goals of BR AIR AEROSPACE LTDA are fully achieved.






     Our potential customers currently number around 125 million people around the world. And that includes even the billionaire elite. This is because no one... absolutely no one, including billionaires, has an aircraft with the features and versatility of BR AIR's 3X1 e-vtol vehicles in their garage, right there at their fingertips, without depending on anyone else, just on their own desire to fly whenever they want.

    And the upper middle class, which includes all millionaires, will not be left out, as they will also have all the conditions to purchase one of our e-VTOL vehicles. Although our vehicles may be used by companies in the most diverse sectors of activity; Our target audience does not translate into thousands, but rather millions. 


    And this ends up putting BR AIR AEROSPACE LTDA at an advantage in terms of revenue. According to the company's CEO, EVE's goal is to sell 100,000 units of its vehicles in the next 20 years. We at BR AIR AEROSPACE LTDA have the goal of producing and selling 6 million units of our 3 e-vtol 3 X 1 vehicles from the JB 21 family,   for general human mobility.

   Between 2026/2036. Reaching a gross revenue of around USD 6.2 trillion dollars. And a net profit of around USD 600,000,000,000   in the 10-year period; from 2026/2036. And to reach these numbers we count on 125 million potential customers around the world. They are people with all the conditions to acquire and maintain in their daily lives in their garage, within reach of their hands, one or more examples of our general human mobility vehicles.







   BR AIR AEROSPACE LTDA; has just patented an entire technological system , which

We have designed and are developing with great success; among these technologies that will be applied to our vehicles , there is one that stands out; which is the    SEVM .    Energy System for Mobile Vehicles,  which gives unlimited energy autonomy to mobile vehicles; aquatic, terrestrial and aerial.


    This system can be used not only in our 3X1 vehicles, but it will also be licensed to other companies that wish to use the system. To give you an idea of ​​the importance of this system, let's give an example. If an aircraft like   Boeing's 777 family were to use our SEVM ,   the aircraft would be 20% lighter and would increase its range by  20%;   and at the end of each flight it would have saved around USD 350,000.      In other words, the aircraft would increase its range by 20%;  save  USD 350,000  in fossil fuel for every 10,000 km of flight; not to mention that it would pollute 70% less.


    This system will be widely used in our 3X1 vehicles, which will give unlimited energy autonomy to our 3X1 vehicles, where you will have a boat, a car and an aircraft, which takes off and lands vertically and horizontally, navigates rivers and lakes, runs on streets like a car and flies like an aircraft. In other words, a complete vehicle that can meet all the needs of human movement; and with unlimited energy autonomy.







     And to invest and become a partner in these technologies and vehicles; it's easy, go to our official contact email, on our website;   Fill out the form and make a deposit of at least  USD 1.000   and your deposit will be automatically converted into shares of participation in the share capital of BR AIR. (USD 1.00 equals one share.) After filling out the form.  To make a deposit, make contact and you will receive instructions.  Within 3 business days you will receive in your email a note agreement;   "convertible notes"  with an ROI of 80% in 24 months. In either option, you can choose to be part of the company's share capital, converting your capital into shares.  



   In this contract with clear clauses, all the investor's data will be included, as well as the deposit amount and its flexibility, giving the investor the guarantee of (USD 1.00 per share) for each dollar invested; and with the option for the investor at the end of (2 year)  to choose to be part of the share capital of BR AIR, paying in their shares; or having their capital returned, with an additional  "ROI of 80%"  on the amount invested; according to the contract clauses.

    In other words; after one year of investment, the investor may choose to join the share capital of BR AIR AEROSPACE LTDA; with his capital multiplying by 10, within a period of (2 year) or have his capital returned; with a "  ROI of 80%"   according to  the contract clauses.


    Dear investor; by acquiring 1% of the shares of the share capital of BR AIR AEROSPACE LTDA, for only USD 1,500,000 ; your capital yields  900%,   at the time of acquisition of the shares; becoming USD 15,000,000. 

   And in 2026, when our vehicles begin to reach the market; its capital will already be in the order of USD 150,000,000. And in 2029,  when production and marketing are already in the millions, these shares that were acquired with only USD 1,500,000    will be worth on the market no more, no less than USD 1.5 billion.    So dear   investor, after having invested only USD 1,500,000 , you will see that your tangible and intangible assets, invested in BR AIR AEROSPACE LTDA will be in the order of USD 1.5 billion.   These assets will provide the investor with something in the order of USD 600,000,000    in annual dividends.      







    So, you who want to see your money grow without any magic? This is your opportunity. Because what we have to offer is a share in the share capital of BR AIR AEROSPACE LTDA; a company that was born with very good projects and with a lot of work and feet on the ground, and focused on the reality of the moment, we can dare to think big. And we need your initial capital so that together we can achieve this goal.


   All the amount that enters the company's cash register will be invested entirely in BR AIR AEROSPACE LTDA.   And in the completion of the prototypes;

as well as in the acquisition of a minimum structure necessary for the smooth running of the entire development process of the eVTOL 3X1 vehicles, aiming at this new generation of vehicles; which will meet all the human being's travel needs.



    So dear investor; it won't be for lack of a great opportunity that you won't invest in a company that has just been born, but that knows very well how and where it wants to go; and you can be part of this story.


    Get to know our business plan; and learn about the schedule; and the entire BR AIR AEROSPACE LTDA project.